Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ping It

I am so excited. Why you might be asking? Because i just learned how to Ping It. I know it sounds crazy, but now I can write a blog post in one place and post it wherever I desire with one ping. Try it at, it's free.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

If You See It In The "Son" It's So

I was watching a news program the other morning on CBS News. This cute little animated character from  "Yes Virginia", was talking about how she was trying to prove that Santa was real.

Many people tried to discourage her. So she wrote a letter to the New York Sun because her papa always told her that "if you see it in the Sun it's so.

This reminds me greatly of a scripture where a character (Jesus), spoke a truth that he believed in. "Truly, I say to you, He who puts his faith in me will do the very works that I do, and he will do greater things than these, because I am going to my father (John 14:12).

Wow. What if you were to have as much faith in the "Son" as Virginia has in the "Sun", just imagine how much success you would have in the things you are trying to accomplish.

In John 3:16, Say's 'whoever believes (relies on,, trust) in the Son shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost).  What if you had the same faith in what our father told us about the "Son". What do you imagine you could accomplish in your life. What if you kept trying in spite of everyone telling you that you would fail.

I encourage you to have the child like faith of our friend Virginia. If you see it in the "SON' it's so.

Friday, October 29, 2010


In everything he did he had great success, because the LORD was with him. (1 Samuel 18:14 NIV)

In this particular passage, David continued to succeed even while being attacked by spears and thrown out of the palace. He could have retaliated, but he continued to act wisely. Though His enemy tried to slay him , he refused to be a victim, because he knew that God was with him.

He had courage and had recently killed a giant, however he knew that it would displease the Lord to fight the king. so he held his cool, because he knew without a doubt that the Lord was with him

We must also remain faithful in the mist of our struggles and fears. Like David we need to stand firm and trust that God is with us. He will never leave us alone when everything around us is falling apart or not working out the way we hoped.

You are also guaranteed to succeed in everything that you do as long as you honor God's presence in your life. Always allow God to play a significant part in your everyday life. Whether through prayer, meditation, silence, or reading His word, God desires to strengthen you through your journey.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Put Your Appetite on Guard

Recently, I have been  trying to overcome a few obstacles, or self-sabotaging behaviors in my life. the way I have finally decided to do so is to meditate on scripture and to affirm the truth of God's word.

Certain scripture seem to affect me more harshly, maybe because I like point blank truth. Today I came across a scripture that really got to the point , "And put a knife to your throat, if you have a strong desire for food." (Prov.23:2)

This is very deep, I feel God is saying, " Guard yourself as if you have a knife to your throat, whenever you are eating, to be sure you do not over eat."

So I have decided to try putting my appetite on guard. I know that if I follow God's command I will succeed.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

It's Time To Face The Truth

Have you ever felt that God has promised you great things for your life, but you continued to procrastinate and contemplate whether or not you could actually do the things that God has promised, the very thing you have so desired to do?

This is exactly what happened to me. I know without a doubt that I have been called to empower women to succeed in every aspect of their life, as a life coach, author, and speaker. But, for so long I continued to wait. What was I waiting for? Like so many other's I was waiting on God to move in my life.

This reminded me of a man in the book of John, chapter 5, who was waiting on the steps at the pool in the city of Bethesda. This lame man was always waiting for someone to put him in the pool, so that he could receive the promise of healing designated for the first one who stepped into the pool after the waters were stirred.

One day Jesus questioned this lame man. He asked him if he desired to be made whole. The lame man immediately began to make up excuses saying, "I have no man to lift me and put me in the pool". "While I am attempting to be first, there is always someone quicker than me". Sounds just like us when we make excuses for not accomplishing our much desired goals.

However, God's response to him was, "get up, take up your bed, and walk." And at once the lame man was healed.

I had to tell myself that it is time to face the truth. There is nothing that anyone needs do for me. It's not true that everyone is better, smarter, quicker, or more prepared than I am. I simply need to take God at His word. It is His word that makes me whole and capable of doing the things I need to do.

Instead of wasting so much time waiting on others approval, those of us who want to succeed in life, must simply turn to the truth of God's promise our success. Begin to develop a belief system that reflects your new declaration of "yes I will, yes I can".

Sunday, October 10, 2010

You Are The Source of Your Love

No one else can give you any more love than you already have inside of you. They did not bring it when they came into your life, they can't take it with them when they leave. It is always there in you. When they leave the love remains,because it was yours all the time

Friday, September 17, 2010

Wants vs. Needs

Do you really desire to have what you want in life, or do you want your needs met? I use to pray and ask for all the things that I thought I wanted. Usually I was granted my desires.

Recently, I have started reexamining a few key areas of my life where I have become unfulfilled with the very things I had prayed for and received. Suddenly I was taken to a scripture in Jerem: 11, "I know the plans I have for you..."

God and God alone knows my expected end, He knows my full purpose. He planned my future before I was even born.

Today I realize that I no longer want what I want, I want what God knows that I need in order to fulfilled my purpose. Why, because my happiness, fulfillment, and joy are all tied to my purpose.

So today, God give me everything I need to fulfill your divine purpose for my life.

What about you? What is your prayer?

Carla B.- Change Your Vision. Change Your Life

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome To My Blog

I am so grateful that you are here. I will be sharing with you my experiences, perspective, insight, and growth as I take this beautiful journey toward creating and living my God-inspired dreams. My prayer is that as I begin this journey to help other women of faith and purpose discover and live their inspired dreams, I will be a blessing to as many people as God allows.

Please feel free to comment on this blog, I look forward to developing a community of women who desire to exercise their faith, conquer their fears, and realign with the truth of Gods word regarding His plans for their life. I believe that any woman can create something significant out of nothing if she commits to living her inspired dreams.

So I encourage you to make a commitment today to create and live your inspired dreams. Once you make the commitment, be sure to come back to this site and share  your dreams with your community