Friday, September 17, 2010

Wants vs. Needs

Do you really desire to have what you want in life, or do you want your needs met? I use to pray and ask for all the things that I thought I wanted. Usually I was granted my desires.

Recently, I have started reexamining a few key areas of my life where I have become unfulfilled with the very things I had prayed for and received. Suddenly I was taken to a scripture in Jerem: 11, "I know the plans I have for you..."

God and God alone knows my expected end, He knows my full purpose. He planned my future before I was even born.

Today I realize that I no longer want what I want, I want what God knows that I need in order to fulfilled my purpose. Why, because my happiness, fulfillment, and joy are all tied to my purpose.

So today, God give me everything I need to fulfill your divine purpose for my life.

What about you? What is your prayer?

Carla B.- Change Your Vision. Change Your Life

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome To My Blog

I am so grateful that you are here. I will be sharing with you my experiences, perspective, insight, and growth as I take this beautiful journey toward creating and living my God-inspired dreams. My prayer is that as I begin this journey to help other women of faith and purpose discover and live their inspired dreams, I will be a blessing to as many people as God allows.

Please feel free to comment on this blog, I look forward to developing a community of women who desire to exercise their faith, conquer their fears, and realign with the truth of Gods word regarding His plans for their life. I believe that any woman can create something significant out of nothing if she commits to living her inspired dreams.

So I encourage you to make a commitment today to create and live your inspired dreams. Once you make the commitment, be sure to come back to this site and share  your dreams with your community