Sunday, May 8, 2011

Get Inspired

Sometimes a getaway is exactly what you need to get your creative juices going and implement a task or two. My husband recommended that I take a drive home to visit my family for Mother's Day weekend. I know he suggested it because I had gotten into a funk around the house. I was mopey, discouraged, and not so positive.

I got a hotel room. Early this morning I was up with a cup of Starbucks coffee. I opened my lap top and started writing. I was so motivated to write. Things were really coming together. I got more done in this three hours than I have in the past two months. I read a blog a few months ago recommending ways to get in the mood for writing. Getting away from your home was a suggestion. I think I will incorporate this into my routine more often.

Get yourself inspired, get out of the house. Change your routine. Listen to the advice of others. Most important don't wast valuable time mopping around the house when things are not going as expected. Do something different, do something to change your environment. It really helped me. Hoping it will help you also.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Keys to a Wealth Mentality

Everywhere I turn, there is someone talking about how bad our economy is. From some peoples standpoint it is true. But, depending on your mind set, this could be a false statement.

I refuse to look at what is going on in our world today as totally bad. I see every situation as a opportunity for growth, development, a new chance do something different.

I guess growing up with little wealth has it's advantages. I am used to the struggles in life. I know what it is like to live with lack. I know what it is like to scrape by on the few dimes and nickles that I happen to find under the cushions or from recycled coke bottles.

Before the economy took a nose dive, I had already experienced a downfall in my life. I was struggling financially, with my health, I lost my job, my car was hours from being repossessed, and my mortgage was long overdo.

By the time the economy took a turn for the worst, I had already started making readjustments to overcome my streak of so called "bad luck". Little did I know that my demise was a blessing in disguise. I made a decision to surrender my life to God and put my trust in Him totally as I attempted to put my life back in order and develop a wealth mentality in the middle of dealing with the struggles in my own life.

Here are a few key factors that helped me to develop a wealth mentality:

  1. Have a positive mind set- A person with a positive outlook on the future anticipates joy, happiness, health, wealth,and success in every aspect of their life. The spirit of God lives in us and strengthens us to endure all and succeed in all that we set out to accomplish.
  2. Change your attitude about wealth-  If you are to succeed in life and work, you need to be mindful of the thought and beliefs you have about yourself and your ability to succeed.  Do not spend your time getting caught up in what everyone else is saying.
  3. Make a commitment to reach your goals- You may desire to obtain wealth, but unless you are committed to having the right mind set and reaching your goals, you simply have a dream without commitment to reach it.
  4. Focus on your goals- having a wealth mentality requires focus. Whatever you desire to manifest into your live requires your attention on a daily basis. think about that special someone, who when you first met and desired to have as a permanent part of your life. Did you think about them on occasion, or once a month. NO, you focused on them every moment you could and then some.
         You cannot will another person into your life by focusing on  
         them, nor can you will wealth into your life simply by focus. But
         focus gives you a specific direction to devote your time and
    5. Have a written plan or strategy to meet your goals-  You can 
        decide to save $50 dollars a month, but you need a plan for 
        doing it . Like, having $25 deducted each pay period from your
        paycheck. You can have weight loss goal, but you need to take it
       a step farther by walking 30 minutes five days per week and
       stop eating after 7:30 each night. You may desire to start your
       own business, take it to the next level and work with a life coach
       to help you turn your dream into your reality.
     6. Find a mentor- get support from other wealth conscious people

Today's Success Challenge
Get out a piece of paper and pencil right now and write down your answers to these questions.
  • Do you have a positive mind set about wealth?
  • What are your thoughts and beliefs about your ability to succeed and create wealth.
  • What are your top 3 goals? Are you ready to make a commitment to reaching your goals?
  • Are you willing to set aside some time out of your day to focus on your goals?
  • What is your plan or strategy to meet your goals?
  • Do you have a mentor or coach to help you determine your purpose, reach your goals in record time, create a new game plan for your own entrepreneur business?
Carla B.