Your life is a result of the choices you make, if you don’t like your life it is time to make better choices - Author unknown
wrong choices can sometimes leave you
feeling empty, regretful, guilty, or just plain unhappy? Very often
people find themselves making choices that do not add value to their
life, choices that do nothing to
help them reach their goals, and sometimes push them further from
becoming the person
they desire to be? It is not always easy to make the right decisions.
Even after spending countless hours or days deliberating over what
choice to make in any given instance,
often many of us find ourselves making choices that are comfortable,
convenient, and
do not require any courage on our part. The good news is there are a
powerful question you can ask yourself, before making decisions about
your life. These thought provoking questions will ultimately lead you to
making decisions that will clarify what you really want and move you in
direction of your true desires and enrich you life
Question # 1
Am I honoring my values?
You are less likely to feel regretful about the decision
you make when you make a decision that is in line with your values. For instance,
if you value adventure, freedom, and being outdoors, you will more than likely
regret taking a job that requires you to sit at a desk all day at a 9-5 job,
with a boss who dictates your every move. If you value creativity, independence,
and freedom, you may feel extremely happy about a decision to pursue an entrepreneur
opportunity doing something you love.
Question # 2
Will this decision make me happy?
remember shopping with a friend and her daughter a
while back and my friend was helping her four-year old daughter pick out
a pair
of shoes. There were so many options, but each time my friend showed her
daughter a pair of shoes she shook her head, indication “no”. Finally, I
asked my friends daughter why she did not want a certain pair of very
pretty shoes and she responded,
“They don’t make me happy”. I will
always remember her response. It made such an impact on me. I started
myself that very question whenever I find myself having to make
important decisions, “Does it make me
Question # 3
Is this decision rooted in fear?
a decision out of fear will usually lead to disappointment.
Usually fear based decisions are a result of negative thinking about
Thoughts such as I am not good enough, smart enough, or I am not worthy
anything good. I do not deserve this, or who do I think I am to expect
more. Maybe thoughts such as no one else will want to spend time with
me, or I should
be grateful that I have this opportunity, how dare I expect anything
Question # 4
Is this decision in line with my goals and dreams?
Is this decision in line with my goals and dreams?
Do you have goals that you would like to achieve? Do
you dream of living a happier, more fulfilling life? If so, you might want to
ask yourself this question the next time you find yourself tempted to make a
decision that might steer you in the wrong direction. The only way to achieve
your goals and live your dreams is to be clear about what you want and what
steps and decisions you must make in order to make your dreams a reality.
Everyone faces challenges from time to time, often
finding that the decisions we make are not always the best decision. However,
everyone has what it take s to make choices that are right for them by taking time to asked themselves a few questions
that will give them clarity and help them make choices that will enrich their
Carla's books, newsletters, articles, and Blog offers inspiration, encouragement, and support that helps others create a life and work they love through personal development, discovering of purpose, and entrepreneurship.
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